Freak of Nature: I’m a Compulsive Writer with an ADHD Mind

2 min readMay 22, 2017


There’s no rhyme nor reason for this post except that I’m putting off precious work I need to be doing at the moment AND I have the need to write. I MUST write.

Because I like to eat (and I do live to eat) and there’s not much money to be made on Medium (feel free to leave me a comment with your brilliant Medium-money-making-scheme), I’m not “here” as much as I used to be. Don’t get me wrong, there are absolutely divine reasons Medium rocks and should be used by writers. Shall we list the reasons?

~you can write about anything

~you’re rarely judged (unless you’re highly read)

~you can direct people to your ‘other’ website

~you can include affiliate links (like this)

~Medium is fun

~you may get noticed as a writer

Anyway, I’m not here for any of those reasons. Just simple procrastination.

While I’m here, let me say that I have way too many drafts versus published articles and I’m contemplating (right now) publishing them without reading them (lest I change my mind). The drafts are a product of this insane brain of mine; my body is worn and tired and dealing with a brain that has ADHD (for real).

What is a compulsive writer to do? Yep. That’s why I’m here. And now? I’ll be seeing YOU on Medium because… I am also a compulsive reader and information freak.

Please consider checking out my other strange ramblings: What the Fuck is a Dago Dazzler?, Evolution: You and Medium, and The Beauty of ¢utting £o$$e$




Info Freak~Victim Advocate~TCF: True Crime•World News•Justice~Prev: coach•director•basketball •cheer•gym~N.NV Fam Mag Ed~COMPULSIVE WRITER~a family gal 💟