
1 min readMay 26, 2016


Time to write



And share information

In other writer’s comments


Elusive remains

Read stats

Elusive remains


Elusive never

Is discouragement

As a discarded author on Medium

Seriously, though. My best numbers are on my least profound comments to other writers. I’ve helped no one — not even myself.

Traffic isn’t the end all and it certainly won’t bring in one penny, however, we write publicly for an audience, and not an audience of one.

Never one to give up, it’s back to the elliptical drawing board.

I’m not going to whore myself out and beg for 💙 but only because if this writing is like my others, there’s no one reading; no one to whore (don’t you love how that word is conveniently a verb when we need it?).




Info Freak~Victim Advocate~TCF: True Crime•World News•Justice~Prev: coach•director•basketball •cheer•gym~N.NV Fam Mag Ed~COMPULSIVE WRITER~a family gal 💟